Monday, March 23, 2015

PTO Board Nominations and Elections...See Below!

Parents...are you looking for a fun way to get more involved in your child's school?  There are several PTO board positions open for election for the 2015-2016 school year, and we would love for you to consider becoming a part of this important organization.  Please read through  this and the following blog post for position descriptions, or email for questions or to state your interest!

  • PTO Board Nominations--state your intent for election and get your name on the ballot!
    • Monday, April 13th at 6:30pm--Byron Middle School media center
  • PTO Board Elections--the last board meeting of the current school year; elections for the 2015-2016 Byron PTO board
    • Monday, May 11th at 6:30pm--Byron High School multipurpose room
    • If you were unable to get your name on the ballot in April, you may still be considered for a board position by showing up and becoming an add-on at the May meeting!
  • If you are interested in creating a sub-committee from the PTO board from which to volunteer by organizing and coordinating a specific event and/or activity, please let us know.  We are always looks for volunteers with specific talents and abilities!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Please consider becoming a board member for the Byron PTO!

PTO board nominations now being accepted!   
Please consider becoming part of this great organization.

Why become a PTO board member?
Become more involved in a great organization that helps your school.  As a board member you will provide direction for PTO sponsored activities, vote on how funds are allocated and be the face of PTO.
I’ve never been to a meeting so can I still be nominated?
Yes!!  No experience required and all are welcome.  We will be happy to answer any questions you have at any time.
What is the time commitment?
The time commitment varies.  However; you are expected to attend the monthly general and board meetings which are held back to back.  These are scheduled for the second Monday of the month and will be held at 6:30 and 7:30pm respectively.  Thus, a minimum of 2 hours per month is required.  Other volunteer opportunities and duties are at your discretion.
What are the positions and the length of the term?
It varies.  The title, description and term length is described below.  All positions, except Secretary and President are open for the 2015-2016 school year.
How do I get my name on the ballot?
You can e-mail your intention to the board at or just attend the meeting on Monday, May 11th at 6:30pm at the BHS Multipurpose room and we will add you that night.
********************* Board member descriptions *************************

President. The president shall prepare the agenda and preside over meetings of the organization and executive board, serve as the primary contact for the principal, represent the organization at meetings outside the organization, serve as an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee, and coordinate the work of all the officers and committees so that the purpose of the organization is served.  The president is also responsible for responding to all funding request inquiries. The term of the president is 1 year.  After the term is complete the president will serve as Immediate Past President for 1 year.
Vice President. The vice president shall assist the president and carry out the president’s duties in his or her absence or inability to serve. The term of the vice president is 1 year.  After that year, the vice president will assume the role of president.
Secretary. The secretary shall keep all records of the organization, take and record minutes and handle correspondence.  The secretary also keeps a copy of the minutes book, bylaws and rules
Treasurer. The treasurer shall receive all funds of the organization, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and pay out funds in accordance with the approval of the executive board. He or she will present a financial statement at every meeting and at other times of the year when requested by the executive board, and make a full report at the end of the year.  The term of the treasurer is 2 years.
Membership Director.  The membership director is responsible for creating, maintaining, and distributing the membership list.  The membership director is the lead for promoting the PTO and encouraging member growth. The term of the Membership Director is 1 year.
Primary School Representative K-2.  The Primary School Representative is responsible for maintaining an open relationship with the Principal of the Byron Primary School and Community Education center.  The representative must have a child attending the Byron Primary School or Community Education Center and be able to speak on behalf of the needs of the students.  The representative is also responsible for coordinating the yearly soup supper during the fall or spring conferences as well as other teacher appreciation events. The term of the Primary School Representative is 1 year.
Elementary School Representative 3-5.  The Elementary School Representative is responsible for maintaining an open relationship with the Principal of the Byron Elementary School.  The representative must have a child attending the Byron Elementary School and be able to speak on behalf of the needs of the elementary school.  The representative is also responsible for coordinating the yearly soup supper during fall or spring conferences as well as other teacher appreciation events. The term of the Elementary School Representative is 1 year.
Middle School Representative.  The Middle School Representative is responsible for maintaining an open relationship with the Principal of the Byron Middle School.  The representative must have a child attending the Bryon Middle School and be able to speak on behalf of the needs of the middle school.  The representative is also responsible for coordinating the yearly soup supper during fall conferences as well as other teacher appreciation events. The term of the Middle School Representative is 1 year.
High School Representative.  The High School Representative is responsible for maintaining an open relationship with the Principal of the Byron High School.  The representative must have a child attending the Byron High School and be able to speak on behalf of the needs of the high school.  The representative is also responsible for coordinating the yearly soup supper during fall conferences as well as other teacher appreciation events. The term of the High School Representative is 1 year.
Immediate Past President.  The Immediate Past President is a special position held by the president at the end of the term.  The Immediate Past President may also serve any other position on the PTO board or serve as a non-voting advisor to the board so that the total number of voting-eligible board members is capped at 9 members.  

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A HUGE thank you!

On behalf on the Byron PTO board, we want to extend a huge THANK YOU to the many parents that signed up to volunteer for the upcoming elementary book fair, soup supper, and Family Fun Night planning committee!  We are so excited about the response that we got from you parents and we look forward to building a bigger and stronger PTO in the coming months and years!
Along with the blog, our current PTO happenings can be found on Facebook!  Be sure to 'like' us in order to hear about our latest activities and volunteer opportunities!