Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fundraiser Pick Up, Book Fair and Soup Supper success!

The PTO has jumped right into the 2011-2012 school year. We have already approved lots and lots of funding for our teachers and schools. 

A big thank you to all the parents that made this fundraiser possible. 
Look at all those orders to be picked up. 
Of course there was nothing but smiles from the PTO volunteers. We had a great time helping with order pick up. If you have not helped with a PTO event, you are missing all the fun.
getting down to the end of orders
Meanwhile, the PTO was hosting a book fair too. All the proceeds from the book fair result in a credit from Scholastic books. This credit is used for everything from new books for our school libraries, teacher enrichment materials, and free books for students. 
Everything you do for PTO directly effects your classrooms and students! 

wrapping it all up.
A big giant THANK YOU, to our parents, students, teachers, friends, relatives, and community! 
Despite an economic downturn our fundraiser still manages to be a success. The money that is raised is put directly to use with funding requests. Your kids will benefit from this fundraiser almost immediately.

PTO would also like to take this time to thank all the parents that helped make the soup suppers a success. Our teachers are one of the reasons Byron School District is so amazing. It is with great pride that the PTO can arrange to give back to them. If you donated something for the soup supper during conferences, thank you! 
Please stay tuned for more ways to volunteer and get involved!